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Title your Project

Planning & Reference Photos

You can write out your plan here or have photo of it.


Post what images you researched to gain ideas for this piece.



Post either a photo of your firing ticket or rewrite the information here.

Process Photos

Final product photo

Final reflection:

Discuss planning vs what happened

Construction methods used

What went well & what would you do differently were you to do this project again.

What do you plan on using this piece for?

Note these are the projects for units 1 & 2. Please follow the above process for documentation of your work.


You can abandon any project that you have at least attempted to create. Make sure to follow all the criteria from above in documentation to gain full credit.


Face Sculpture

Under Glaze painted design piece

Pinch Pot series
Pinch pot cut in half
Pinch pot made into something
2 Pinch pots put together and made into a useable item
Pinch pot with fitted lid

Small Animal sculpture

Relief Sculpture

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